Sarah Neville

Director at Open Line


Sarah grew up in the centre of North America, in sunny Winnipeg, Manitoba. In the third grade, she won the school French oral poetry contest the first step to a 15-year career on the stage. The creative experience of working in theatre was the spark for Sarah's passion for the intricacies of communication: how it helps us relate to others, elicit emotion and motivate action.

Sarah founded Open Line with a commitment to helping organizations change the conversation to bridge difference, open up dialogue, and build cultures of inclusion.     As a DEI educator, she's designed and delivered engaging educational experiences in virtually every sector, from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies. As a certified Advisor on National Standard of Canada for  Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, she seeks innovative ways to increase psychological safety in organizations by creating the conditions  for inclusion and belonging.

Sarah keeps herself busy as an instructor at the Rotman school of Management, Initiative for Women in Business and Intercultural Skills Lab.

She is a regular contributor to media including the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, Forbes and the  Huffington Post, and an early morning runner on the streets of Toronto.

Who They Serve:


Educational Institutions



Non-Profit Organizations


Group Debriefs

Individual Debriefs

Group Coaching

1-on-1 Coaching

Organizational Consulting

Training Development


Service Format:



