Heather Tobe

QA at


Heather Tobe MA, is a recently retired faculty member in the Communications Department at Douglas College where she taught courses on interpersonal and intercultural communication. She continues to: present at conferences, facilitate workshops on intercultural awareness and sensitivity, develop intercultural curriculum in higher education and consult on intercultural organizational development. She taught in the education sector for over 30 years. Heather holds an MA in Intercultural Relations from Antioch University and the Intercultural Communication Institute. Additionally, she has a Certificate in Workplace Conflict from the Justice Institute of BC. Heather is also a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory and the International Conflict Style Inventory by Mitchell Hammer, and the Global Competencies Inventory by Kozai Group. She has founded or co-founded communities of practice in education and intercultural awareness. Heather has had numerous roles on the executive of the Society of Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR BC). She has sat on CBIE’s Education Abroad Professional Learning Community and currently sits on the RRU School of Communication advisory council.
Who They Serve:


Educational Institutions


Group Debriefs

Individual Debriefs

1-on-1 Coaching


Service Format:



